Have too many nickels and wanna support or follow an author of something you liked that I degraded?
Wakarase Deka Maid-chan / Uru
Dekamaid web raws (visiting probably helps)
Uru's twitters: ruu000000 (NSFW) | uru0000 (More NSFW)
Dekamaid (Amazon): Volume 01, 02
Uru's paywalls (all NSFW): Patreon | Fanbox | Fantia | Subscribestar | Skeb
(You can also find Dekamaid's prototype color comic among these for free.)
Chieri no Koi was 8 Meter / Mitogawa Wataru
Chieri web raws (helping probably visits)
Mitogawa's twitter: mitogawawataru
Chieri (Amazon): Volume 01, 02. 03
Kyoshinki Senki / Kishida Shiki
Web Raws
Kishida's twitter: kisidasiki
Fanbox: kisidasiki
Kyoshiki (Amazon): Volume 01, 02